Calysta in the Press with our client Colasse
Colasse face aux brevets de Signify, David contre Goliath ? En 2021, Colasse a dû faire face à l’entreprise Signify, leader mondial de l’éclairage, pour violation de brevet. « Ce

Calysta is ranked as LEADING FIRM for Patent Prosecution & EXCELLENT firm for Trademark Prosecution
Each year CALYSTA is getting higher in the rankings 👀😁. The Leaders League rankings are now published and we are pleased to be ranked as LEADING FIRM FOR PATENT PROSECUTION

Calysta is ranked as firm of the year for Patent & Trademark Prosecution. And…we have a Patent star 2022!
Calysta is ranked by IP STARS as firm of the year for Patent and Trademark prosecution. On top of that, the CEO of Calysta, Ludivine Coulon, is ranked as Patent

Calysta is ranked in the Silver grade as best Belgium Patent Prosecution firm
by IAM Patent 1000, https://www.iam-media.com/rankings/patent-1000/profile/firm/calysta

Increase of German annuity fees for patents from 1 July 2022
GERMAN DESK 🔊 Increase of German annuity fees for patents from 1 July 2022 Germany decided to increase the yearly annuity payments for patents from July this year. In Germany,

Get to know our IP specialists: 4 questions with Trademark Attorney Linde Leblans
WHAT IS YOUR PROFESSIONAL AND ACADEMIC BACKGROUND ? I studied Law at the University of Antwerp – where I am from – and supplemented my Law degree with an

Présidentielles françaises : le Kärcher® de Valérie Pécresse
Dernière ligne droite pour la campagne présidentielle française. L’occasion de revenir sur une déclaration de Valérie Pécresse qui a éveillé notre attention de spécialistes du droit des marques. En campagne

Covid-19 RNA vaccines – a patent dispute.
On March 17, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals has filed infringement suits against Pfizer and Moderna. The concept of vaccination dates from the French Louis Pasteur (nineteenth century), where inactivated virus are

Russian-Ukrainian conflict, what impact on IP rights?
While the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, many countries have announced economic sanctions as an alternative to imposing military forces. As a major aspect of any economy, IP

Get to know our IP specialists: 4 questions to our Patent Engineer Alexandre Sylvestre
Alex, could you explain us a bit why you have chosen for the new venture at CALYSTA ? I joined Calysta because I was intrigued how young, dynamic and diverse