Calysta is ranked as LEADING FIRM for Patent Prosecution & EXCELLENT firm for Trademark Prosecution
Each year CALYSTA is getting higher in the rankings 👀😁. The Leaders League rankings are now published and we are pleased to be ranked as LEADING FIRM FOR PATENT PROSECUTION with a special mention for Ludivine Coulon, Philippe de Diesbach Sjors de Koning and Johannes Wohlmuth as well as EXCELLENT FIRM FOR TRADEMARK PROSECUTION with a special mention for Clara De Schryver, Claire Godefroid, Véronique De Ridder & Mounir Kadjaj !) 🏅👏🏻
CALYSTA’s vision is to keep investing to have the best people on board because we simply want the best professionals with the Calysta DNA for delivering the best services to our clients…
Congratulations to the whole team!