TRUMP-branded condoms: from gimmick to trademark feud
The sale of TRUMP themed condoms is nothing new: many online shops have jumped on the band wagon of selling “trump condoms” following certain unfortunate quotes by the former US

What goes online, stays online” – Hoe sociale media uw modelrechten kunnen aantasten
“What goes online, stays online” – Hoe sociale media uw modelrechten kunnen aantasten In een recente beslissing heeft het Bureau voor Intellectuele Eigendom van de EU (EUIPO) Puma’s geregistreerd

Russian-Ukrainian conflict, what impact on IP rights?
While the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, many countries have announced economic sanctions as an alternative to imposing military forces. As a major aspect of any economy, IP

Satan Shoes: Nike at war with the devil
Famous sportswear brand Nike Inc filed a lawsuit with the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York against a small Brooklyn based company MSCHF over its sale

2020 ends in another victory for Michael Jordan
For most of us, 2020 was, to put it mildly, not a great year. US Basketball legend Michael Jordan however may disagree. Not only did he launch the Netflix hit-series

Copyright is for losers… yet it turns out to be the only IP right protecting Banksy’s artwork
As a result of a recent ruling by the EUIPO Cancellation Division, street artist Banksy has lost a two-year trademark battle with “Full Color Black”, a company selling greeting cards,