What is the benefit of a design ?
A design protects the appearance of a product or a part thereof, provided it is newand does not look like another design already disclosed to the public.
The external aspect of your product is key in your strategy as it differentiates your creations from the ones of your competitors. A design right, on its own or – where appropriate – combined with a patent, turns out to be a formidable, efficient, flexible and low-cost tool for acting against infringing third parties!
CALYSTA is your partner of choice for identifying what your company should protect, for defining with you the adequate filing strategy (until the grant of your design application), for pointing out the pertinent designs to protect, for drafting the right application and of course for defending your rights. The attorneys of CALYSTA are known for being tenacious and for reaching the best possible protection for your design. We stand by you through the entire life span of your intellectual property right.
CALYSTA brings a unique design offering by combining the expertise of patent engineers and lawyers to optimize the requested protection. This unique combination of expertise strengthens the scope of your designs. At CALYSTA, our people understand your business, how you operate, but also the behavior of your competitors.