Le succès au cœur de l’innovation wallonne !
Le succès au cœur de l’innovation wallonne !!! les biotechs wallonnes ont levé près d’un demi-milliard d’euro en 2018 et l’année n’est pas encore terminée ! 486,6 millions pour être

When innovation and circular economy fall in love …
According to Professor Eric Pirard (Liège University), the actual technological challenges to which engineers are confronted to lie in circular economy. As explained in his recent conference of November 20,

The EU Copyright Reform: A great sign for the creative industries in Europe and/or a catastrophic day for the internet ?
The vote in the EU parliament on the reform of copyright in the digital single market on September 12th was controversial and depending on who you ask will either be

Who will be winning the Nike & Adidas IP battle ?
Last week the Belgian goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois posted this image of his brand new golden football gloves. It was a tailor made surprise delivery from Nike for the world’s best

Lionel Messi’s trouble to protect his name as a trademark – why you should register your trademark even if it is your own name
Lionel Messi’s trouble to protect his name as a trademark – why you should register your trademark even if it is your own name ! Like every year during the