Satan Shoes: Nike at war with the devil
Famous sportswear brand Nike Inc filed a lawsuit with the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York against a small Brooklyn based company MSCHF over its sale

Get to know our IP specialist: 4 questions to our Patent Attorney, Claude Gérard
Claude, could you tell us a bit more about you? I have always been interested in scientific discoveries. After a bioengineering degree, I did a PhD in computational biology where

Get to know our IP specialist: 4 questions to our Patent Attorney, Sjors de Koning
Sjors, could you explain us a bit why you have chosen for the new venture at CALYSTA ? Since Calysta was founded, I noticed the company quickly became an important

Sales season in times of lockdowns and social distancing
Sales season in times of lockdowns and social distancing… Being forced to stay at home, many consumers are being driven toward online shopping marketplaces. Now is the time that brand

5 questions for our Co-Founders about Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship – How did they experience it ? How did you come up with the idea to start CALYSTA and what changes did you want to bring to

La propriété intellectuelle, un coût pour mon entreprise ?
L’importance de la propriété intellectuelle (« PI ») avant de s’engager dans un projet collaboratif La propriété intellectuelle peut souvent sonner comme un terme légal parmi d’autres dans un contrat de collaboration. Mais

The impact of e-commerce on counterfeiting
Black Friday! The Friday after Thanksgiving and traditionally the start of Christmas shopping in America. A tradition that found its way to Europe, together with Cyber Monday. Whether you are

The Black (not White) Stripes
This case is another instalment in the battle of adidas to protect its three-stripe logo as broadly as possible under trademark law. In 2014 adidas succeeded in registering a trademark

Happy and successful clients boost Calysta to the Stars !
On March 7, 2019, only one year after its creation, CALYSTA already won the “IP STARS Boutique Firm of the Year – Benelux 2019” award by the prestigious journal Managing

Calysta continue sur sa lancée wallonne…
Après un an d’existence et de collaborations fructueuses avec de nombreuses entreprises wallonnes, Calysta a décidé de renforcer sa présence auprès des acteurs régionaux de l’innovation en ouvrant deux nouvelles