Breaking IP News – New decision concerning the extension of patent duration for new indication of known products
After the controversial topic of chloroquine, an anti-malaria remedy potentially active against Covid 19 virus, the new decision of the EUCJ concerning the extension of patent duration for new indication

What to think about the famous “Coronavirus patent” owned by the institute Pasteur on Coronavirus ?
To all those who wonder what to think about the famous “Coronarvirus patent” owned by he institute Pasteur on Coronavirus ? In recent hours, I have been contacted many times

La propriété intellectuelle, un coût pour mon entreprise ?
L’importance de la propriété intellectuelle (« PI ») avant de s’engager dans un projet collaboratif La propriété intellectuelle peut souvent sonner comme un terme légal parmi d’autres dans un contrat de collaboration. Mais

Le succès au cœur de l’innovation wallonne !
Le succès au cœur de l’innovation wallonne !!! les biotechs wallonnes ont levé près d’un demi-milliard d’euro en 2018 et l’année n’est pas encore terminée ! 486,6 millions pour être

When innovation and circular economy fall in love …
According to Professor Eric Pirard (Liège University), the actual technological challenges to which engineers are confronted to lie in circular economy. As explained in his recent conference of November 20,

Who will be winning the Nike & Adidas IP battle ?
Last week the Belgian goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois posted this image of his brand new golden football gloves. It was a tailor made surprise delivery from Nike for the world’s best