Johan Dedeckel
Calysta has chosen to use a Greek first name of a person with a reference to every advisor’s ultimate goal: to delivery the most beautiful result. The smell of creativity within the young team of experienced professionals made me choose to join Calysta. With my creativity I hope to be able to help the name becoming a brand, also in sectors where entrepreneurs did not yet have the chance to meet Calysta. I am glad to see that the same creativity can help the team to grow further on.
Creativity is needed to choose a distinctive name that stands out from existing players in the market. Creativity is also needed to ensure that the name continues to have meaning over time and can even become a brand. With my experience and knowledge I have shown that I am creative in coming up with the best possible solutions for customers. Creativity is also needed to clearly explain what customers need, because understanding helps when rolling out a strategy. Creativity also helps you stay flexible in ever-changing markets and be prepared for upcoming challenges.
Everybody has talents. I am even convinced that we all can achieve things, as long as we want it. Creativity helped me to achieve lots of thing. Creativity helped me to learn writing calligraphic letters, creating hand-drawn covers of magazines and posters, starting a radio station for studens, writing speeches as a students representative at the University, playing roles is several theater plays, movies and musicals, giving presentations and guest lectures, inventing crowd-photographing on events, founding a service club, leading many commissions and boards. Creativity helped us raising our 3 children in a warm and joyful family. Creativity has shown me the way to a new office: litteraly in Ghent in 2016. And recently creativity helped me to present myself to the team, clients and peers. Let’s find a creative way to use this experience to form other professionals and enjoy life.
- johan.dedeckel@calysta.eu
- +32 2 892 80 88
- +32 473 67 04 42